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General. Kunning Machines operates and maintains this website, at least in part, from Houston, Texas, USA. Access to this website from outside the United States is done at your own initiation and you are responsible for compliance with laws, including applicable export control laws.

Contacts. Users should address technical questions or comments about the Kunning Machines website to the Kunning Machines Web Team. General questions should be directed to Kunning Machines Corporate Communications. For other communications, direct as indicated in the following paragraphs.

Privacy. Kunning Machines will only use your personal data as set out in the Kunning Machines General Web Site Privacy Statement.

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Kunning Machines and its third party licensors hold title to all materials on this website, which are the copyrighted works of Kunning Machines or the third parties, with all rights reserved. Such materials include but are not limited to design, text, graphics, files, photographs, video and audio clips, software, browser accessible apps, informational content, data (including seismic data), third-party provided information (such as third-party provided reports, instructions, and seismic data), and the selection and arrangement thereof (collectively “Materials”). Kunning Machines authorizes you to view and use the website with the following restrictions: 1) use must be solely for your personal informational and non-commercial use; 2) downloading is limited to one electronic or hard copy of limited portions for personal and non-commercial use; 3) each page downloaded must include this copyright statement displayed in a prominent position: ” Kunning Machines. All rights reserved.”; 4) Materials cannot be modified, forwarded, displayed, distributed, performed, or published in any media, publicly or privately, without the prior written permission of Kunning Machines.

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Contact Kunning Machines with queries regarding these issues.

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